A Sunlit Absence by Fr Martin Laird – Part Four No. 51

While protests continue to erupt across America, we continue here on a journey into contemplative prayer knowing that contemplation is not an escape from the brokenness around us. Contemplation is not a comfortable way of hiding from the justice that we should all be crying out for today either. Contemplation will deepen and clarify our understanding of justice. Contemplation will help us identify each of our own unique responses to the crises that beset us, and contemplation will also help sustain and nourish our much needed activism to address the racism that continues to have a stranglehold on us. In fact, it may only be via contemplation that you are freed from your ego long enough to catch a glimpse of how you are contributing to the oppression of the marginalized and are a part of the problem!

In this fourth episode working through Fr Martin Laird’s book, A Sunlit Absence, we finish up chapter one and should by now have a working definition of contemplation. In this episode we consider how through practice, the mechanical nature of this prayer movement will eventually become familiar and more graceful.

The exciting news is that Fr Laird has committed to two separate Q & A sessions with Invitation podcast listeners. The specific details are being worked out, but the idea is to meet with Fr Laird after chapter four and then again at the end of the book which will likely take us through most of July 2020. It isn’t too late to dive into this valuable book and for you to come up with your own questions that you may very well be able to ask Fr Laird yourself.  If you haven’t already, please subscribe so that we can contact you with the further details about these two online events. https://www.invitationpodcast.org/subscribe

Also, in this episode Josh mentions his song, “Silence.” The song can be found at the end of the episode, at 22:40. This is a more recent version of the song that includes Josh’s wife, Susanna Childress as well as strings performed by Jared Demeester.

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Peace of Christ to you in these very bewildering times. Amen.

Watch a video invitation to this new series

Watch a video invitation to this new series