Fr Martin Laird - Conversation #14 No. 59

"We have to have the humility to be no good at this, and gradually, as our practice deepens, these afflictive thoughts--they actually help train us."

These words from Fr Laird in our July 9, 2020 zoom conversation were worth the price of admission. 

The humility.....

to be no good at this...

That our struggles are part of the training. Our struggles are necessary!

In the context of Covid-19, the Invitation has been focusing on A Sunlit Absence, the second of a three-book series on contemplative prayer by Fr Martin Laird. This episode is Part I of two parts comprising an 1.5 hour conversation that Fr Laird so graciously shared with us.

Here Josh opens with a brief, guided prayer. Fr Laird shares some opening thoughts about contemplation in the context of all suffering we are experiencing throughout the world. Then we are able to interact with two questions from Invitation Podcast listeners who joined in to our zoom conversation.

The next episode, No 60, will be Part X of our journey through A Sunlit Absence. Shortly after Part II of this conversation of Q&A with Fr Laird will be available to you. Thanks for listening and continuing the journey.