Forum on Spiritual Direction Third Conversation w/ Cami Beercroft Mann Part II

Spiritual Direction Can Solve (almost) All of the World's Problems.

Can it?

This is the sedon part of our third conversation as Cami and I continue to unpack this question of spiritual direction. What is it? What’s it for? Is it really so vital? Why?

Cami and I engage in an extended contemplative conversation to discern and tease out the dignifying nature of spiritual direction. This is to say we talk about the practice of spiritual direction by practicing spiritual direction. While our society is one of oppression, pressing down upon and minimizing us, the contemplative space of spiritual direction provides a way for us to rediscover the enormity of each other, the profound dignity of each other.

Other avenues of engaging us in this practice:

We are currently registering for new cohorts of SOP & SOCL to begin at the end of the summer and early fall.
The School of Prayer, a nine-month study and practice of the rule of life.
The School of Contemplative Listening, a two-year certification in spiritual direction.

We are also registering for the August 9-10 Invitation Family Camp, a 24 hour, overnight experience for participants in the Invitation formation schools and friends of the Invitation.

TBA: The Failure Lab, a three-month study and and practice of confession and lamentation.

Partner with us: how can the Invitation serve you, your staff, organization, or community? We value your friendship, prayer, and financial support. One-time or recurring donations can be set up HERE at this link.

Peace of Christ to you!
